What is the Shopper Success Index?

And why is is so important?

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The Shopper Success Index (SSI) identifies the balance between a shopper’s likelihood to purchase a given brand and how well that brand performs at retail. In other words, it determines the ratio between the shopper’s “purchase intent” when not in the store, to the brand’s “on-the-shelf” market share. It is important because it identifies what kind of initiative should be pursued with the retailer.

The SSI should be calculated on an annual or semi-annual basis to ascertain which brands should be emphasized and how within each individual retailer.

The optimal score is 100, meaning that the brand’s in-store results is fully meeting its potential. Any score between 80 and 120 is acceptable.

If the brand scores below 80, it means that consumers are aware of and likely to want to buy the brand, but its sales are underperforming in the store. This suggests a need to address barriers to purchase or otherwise provide more visibility or support at retail.

If the brand scores above 120, it means it is overperforming in the store relative to the consumer’s purchase intent. This suggests the brand is overly dependent on discounts or other trade support, and needs more in the way of brand equity/awareness support outside the retail environment.

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