Brand groups must be re-designed to bring a shopper focus to the brand strategy. This requires establishing a Shopper function within Marketing that is simultaneously brand- and retailer-facing. This will ensure that the brand strategy is fully aligned with the shopper’s behavior within specific retailers.
PLANNING & BUDGET What is the Initiative Value Assessment?
And why is is so important?
A Initiative Value Assessment (IVA) helps determine the extent to which a given retailer is likely to support your initiative, and allows you to adjust priorities as needed. It scores the value of a Shopper initiative based on five customer needs that are weighted based on importance to each individual retailer (in other words, the weighting will change from retailer to retailer).
SHOPPER ORGANIZATION Why is Marketing critical to Shopper?
Bottom line: Follow the money
PLANNING & BUDGET What are insights and how do you find them?
Connecting dots between opportunity & strategy
PLANNING & BUDGET Do you know who your shoppers are?
They're not the same as your consumers
Shopper Identification is the second step. This is a matter of finding the overlap between your brand’s highest-potential consumers and the retailer’s most loyal — and profitable — shoppers. It requires an understanding of the difference between a consumer and shopper, as well as why those individuals buy your brands, or not.