Having a healthy organization is foundational; without a happy, communicative, and culturally aligned organization, one cannot expect to have happy, communicative and culturally aligned customers. The organization is the heart and soul of the brand and retail experience.
Author: T M
ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN How should Shopper be integrated?
Bring a shopper focus to brand strategy
Brand groups must be re-designed to bring a shopper focus to the brand strategy. This requires establishing a Shopper function within Marketing that is simultaneously brand- and retailer-facing. This will ensure that the brand strategy is fully aligned with the shopper’s behavior within specific retailers.
SHOPPER EXPLAINED Is Shopper the same as Category Management?
In a word: No.
RESEARCH REPORT Who is succeeding and why in Shopper?
A cross-functional strategy is key
BRAND X JOURNAL Outside the Box
Walmart podcasts its values
Axios: “Amazon has gotten so good at moving merchandise that it now accounts for 43 cents of every dollar spent online in the U.S., according to eMarketer … Lost in this torrent of news are indications that Amazon’s revenue formula is fundamentally changing: from a reliance on retail and cloud services, the e-retailer appears likely to power future growth with fulfillment and shipping services to third-party sellers.”